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Thus, if you go to a garden to buy flowers, plants, trees, and greens, if you know what you go about, know the names of flowers, or simples, or greens; know the particular beauties of them, when they are fit to remove, and when to slip and draw, and when not; what colour is ordinary, and what rare; when a flower is rare, and when ordinary the gardener presently talks to you as to a man of art, tells you that you are a lover of art, a friend to a florist, shows you his exotics, his green-house, and his stores; what he has set out, and what he has budded or enarched, and the like; but if he finds you have none of the terms of art, know little or nothing of the names of plants, or the nature of planting, he picks your pocket instantly, shows you a fine trimmed fuz-bush for a juniper, sells you common pinks for painted ladies, an ordinary tulip for a rarity, and the like.

"A faerye realm," the scribes themselves itemed it; "myriad lights broad staircases gracef'y asc'd'g ravish'g perfumes met our gaze garlandries of laurel and magn'a prom'd'g from room to room met our gaze directed by masters of cerem'y in Conf'te G'd's unif'm here turn'g to the right fair women and brave men carried thither by the dense throng music with its volup's swell met our gaze again descend'g arriv'g at din'g-hall new scene of ench't bursts refr't tables enarched with ev'gr's and decked with labarums and burgees thence your way lies through costly volumes and shimm'g bijoutries met our gaze!"