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They are natives of high mountains in Mexico, and have been cultivated in Europe over forty years. In appearance, this rare species mimics some of the Gasterias, and is so different from all the kinds hitherto described, that very few people unacquainted with it would suspect that it belonged to the same genus as M. elongata or M. dolichocentra.

In this way a tuft of stems is soon developed round the first one. If these offshoots are removed as they appear, the stem will grow longer and stouter than it does when they are left. Tubercles small, green, crowded; spines in a stellate tuft, short, curved, pale yellow or white. Flowers as in M. elongata, to which this species is closely allied.

Thus, in order to give another example of very recent date, a celebrated Ichthyologist, Bleeker, has lately distinguished two groups of the Cyprinodontes as follows: some, the Cyprinodontini, have a "pinna analis non elongata," and the others, the Aplocheilini, a "pinna analis elongata": according to this the female of a little fish which is very abundant here would belong to the first, and the male to the second group.