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Podica, sexual difference in the colour of the irides. Poeppig, on the contact of civilised and savage races. Poison, avoidance of, by animals. Poisonous fruits and herbs avoided by animals. Poisons, immunity from, correlated with colour. Polish fowls, origin of the crest in. Pollen and van Dam, on the colours of Lemur macaco. Polyandry, in certain Cyprinidae; among the Elateridae.

I believe I must except one alpine Haltica, and a single specimen of a Melasoma. Mr. Waterhouse informs me, that of the Harpalidae there are eight or nine species the forms of the greater number being very peculiar; of Heteromera, four or five species; of Rhyncophora, six or seven; and of the following families one species in each: Staphylinidae, Elateridae, Cebrionidae, Melolonthidae.

Waterhouse informs me, that of the Harpalidae there are eight or nine species the forms of the greater number being very peculiar; of Heteromera, four or five species; of Rhyncophora, six or seven; and of the following families one species in each: Staphylinidae, Elateridae, Cebrionidae, Melolonthidae. The species in the other orders are even fewer.

In Coleoptera I made large collections, but the extensive families of the Elateridae, Lamellicorns, and others are still uncatalogued, and very many species remain to be described. The only beetles that have been catalogued as yet with sufficient completeness to warrant any general conclusions are the Longicorns. I collected about 300 different species, and Mr.

Eland, development of the horns of the. Elands, sexual differences of colour in. Elaphomyia, sexual differences in. Elaphrus uliginosus, stridulation of. Elaps. Elateridae, proportion of the sexes in. Elaters, luminous.