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Numbers of Nicobar pigeons left the island as we approached, having apparently used it merely as a roosting-place. Heavy showers and thunderclouds passed over at intervals during the whole morning, rendering our shooting not quite so successful as it might have been; still we procured about fifty pigeons and a few of Duperrey's megapodius.

Consult also, the atlas of Lutke's voyage; and for the Marshall group that of Kotzebue; for the Gilbert group consult the atlas of Duperrey's voyage. In the Gilbert group some of the atolls have narrow strips of reef, like spurs, projecting from them.

ROTOUMAH, 13 deg S., 179 deg E. From the chart in Duperrey's "Atlas," I thought this island was encircled, and had coloured it blue, but the Chevallier Dillon assures me that the reef is only a shore or fringing one; red. INDEPENDENCE Island, 10 deg S., 179 deg E., is described by Mr. A lagoon probably once existed, and has since been filled up; left uncoloured. NEDERLANDISCH Island.

Unfortunately, Duperrey's narrative breaks off at the date of his quitting Chili, and there is no longer any official record from which to gather the details of a voyage so interesting and successful.