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No longer Amberg and Rhinberg, and Limbourg, and Huy, and Bonn, in one year, and the prospect of Landen, and Trerebach, and Drusen, and Dendermond, the next, hurried on the blood: No longer did saps, and mines, and blinds, and gabions, and palisadoes, keep out this fair enemy of man's repose: No more could my uncle Toby, after passing the French lines, as he eat his egg at supper, from thence break into the heart of France, cross over the Oyes, and with all Picardie open behind him, march up to the gates of Paris, and fall asleep with nothing but ideas of glory: No more was he to dream, he had fixed the royal standard upon the tower of the Bastile, and awake with it streaming in his head.

It answered prodigiously the next summer the town was a perfect Proteus It was Landen, and Trerebach, and Santvliet, and Drusen, and Hagenau, and then it was Ostend and Menin, and Aeth and Dendermond. Surely never did any Town act so many parts, since Sodom and Gomorrah, as my uncle Toby's town did.

Nothing is more common than this appearance. Cavities are every where found closely lined with crystallizations, of every different substance which may be supposed in those places. These concretions are well known to naturalists, and form part of the beautiful specimens which are preserved in the cabinets of collectors, and which the German mineralists have termed Drusen.