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Who shall compute the expenditure of literal heartache that builds up the popularly successful Desdemonas, Camilles, and Marie Stuarts; the scalding tears that gradually crystallize into the classic repose essential to the severe simplicity of the old Greek tragedies?

A month later, Suket Singh, Sepoy, came that way to the cool hills on leave from his regiment, and electrified the villagers of Kodru with tales of service and glory under the Government, and the honour in which he, Suket Singh, was held by the Colonel Sahib Bahadur. And Desdemona listened to Othello as Desdemonas have done all the world over, and, as she listened, she loved.

My mishap of yesterday, told in an off-hand way, produced a deep sensation. It was Othello over again, with no less than three Desdemonas and a sprinkling of sympathetic senators in the background. Never were the canoes more flattered, or flattered more adroitly. 'It is like a violin, cried one of the girls in an ecstasy.

My mishap of yesterday, told in an off-hand way, produced a deep sensation. It was Othello over again, with no less than three Desdemonas and a sprinkling of sympathetic senators in the background. Never were the canoes more flattered, or flattered more adroitly. "It is like a violin!" cried one of the girls in an ecstasy.

Desdemonas who come forward, after the smothering scene, to receive flowers, and Romeos and Juliets who rise from the tomb that they may bow and smirk before an audience while we have such as these among us, let us not cast stones at the early playgoer. Addison has left, in the Spectator, a delightful story of dear old Sir Roger de Coverley's experience with the "Distressed Mother."

It is easy, then, in fancy, to people these silent canals with plumed gallants and fair ladies with Shylocks in gaberdine and sandals, venturing loans upon the rich argosies of Venetian commerce with Othellos and Desdemonas, with Iagos and Roderigos with noble fleets and victorious legions returning from the wars.