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Neither the lodgings, however, nor the small house had been taken; and now it was rumoured than Jan's plans were changed again. Deerham's curiosity was uncommonly excited on the point. What, in the name of improbability, could plain Jan Verner want with a fine place like that? He'd have to keep five or six servants, if he went there.

Agitated, restless, self-reproachful, bewildered, and uncertain, he could not bear thoughts that demanded answers to a thousand questions; he flung from his cheerless room, and hastened, with a feverish pulse and burning temples, to Lady Charlotte Deerham's. "Good Heavens! how ill you look, Mr. Godolphin!" cried the hostess, involuntarily. "Ill! ha! ha!

Agitated, restless, self-reproachful, bewildered, and uncertain, he could not bear thoughts that demanded answers to a thousand questions; he flung from his cheerless room, and hastened, with a feverish pulse and burning temples, to Lady Charlotte Deerham's. "Good Heavens! how ill you look, Mr. Godolphin!" cried the hostess, involuntarily. "Ill! ha! ha!

They might as well have talked to the wind, for all the impression it made upon Miss Hautley. The preparations for the gathering went on quickly, the invitations had gone out, and Deerham's head was turned. Those who did not get invitations were ready to swallow up those who did.