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Updated: August 16, 2024
And again, "the male organs of generation are sometimes represented by signs of the same sort, which might properly be called symbols of symbols. The famous Crux ansata which may be seen on all the monuments of Egypt is what is alluded to by the Prophet Ezekiel, and is affirmed by the learned L. A. Crozius to be nothing else than the triple Phallus mentioned by Plutarch.
Religion of the Semites, p. 302. Thus P. Andrada La Crozius, a French missionary, and one of the first Christians who went to Nepaul and Thibet, says in his History of India: "Their Grand Lama celebrates a species of sacrifice with BREAD and WINE, in which, after taking a small quantity himself, he distributes the rest among the Lamas present at this ceremony."
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