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Clay pigmy figurines found on Phoenician sites very closely resemble the Egyptian images of that god; and the coins attributed to Cossura exhibit a similar dwarfish form, generally carrying a hammer in the right hand. An astral character has been attached by some writers to the Cabeiri, but chiefly on account of their number, which is scarcely a sufficient proof.

But the soldiers of the besieging force raised a cry of treason and stoned their general, and a troop of cavalry sent from Rome cut the garrison to pieces. Pompeius was sent to Sicily, and on his arrival Perperna, the Marian governor, left the island. Carbo had come over from Africa to Cossura, and was taken and brought before Pompeius.

In the Central and Western Mediterranean in Africa, Utica, Hippo-Zaritis, Hippo Regius, Carthage, Hadrumetum, Leptis Minor, Leptis Major, and Thapsus; in Sicily, Motya, Eryx, Panormus, Solocis; between Sicily and Africa, Cossura, Gaulos, and Melita; in Sardinia, Caralis, Nora, Sulcis, and Tharros; in the Balearic Isles; in Spain, Malaca, Sex, Abdera. 3.

The islands in the strait which separates the North African coast from Sicily were also colonised by the Phoenicians. Cossura, the most western of the three, lay about midway in the channel, but nearer to the African coast, from which it is distant not more than about thirty-five miles.