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I started off, took three more men than the Sergeant had; went to the first fence I could find, and that was about two miles for the corps-teams had made clean work loaded my men and myself, and started back. The Provost-Guard was at the old place; I was bound to pass them squarely. "'Captain, said the Sergeant, 'we have orders to stop all parties carrying rails. "'By whose orders?

They hadn't come fifty yards toward camp, before one of those big six-mule corps-teams that have been hauling rails for the last four days, came along, and the rails were pitched into the wagon. When I heard of it I was wrothy. I cut a bee-line for the Adjutant and got the Order, and there it was in black and white, that no more fences rebel fences should be destroyed, and no more rails used.

Now, I knew well that these corps-teams had hauled and hauled until the whole establishment, from General Porter down to his Darkies, were in rails up to their eyes, and then, when they had their own fill, this order comes, and we, poor devils, might whistle. Here were our hospitals like smoke-houses, not fit for human beings, and especially the sick. It was a little too d d mean.