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It seemed to poor Mrs. Sneed that the bank was of opinion that Persimmon corporally was of slight consequence, the institution having the true value of the man on deposit.

It was a creation of artifice and mind. Such perfection of form, such hollowness that it certainly possessed, could not be the result of mere fortuitousness. A child of intelligences, remote and unguessable, working corporally in metals, it indubitably was.

In this Golden Magnet sticks and lies buried the resolution and opening of all Metals and Minerals, their domination, as also the first Matter of their generation, their power over health; and again, the coagulation and fixation of Metals, together with the operation of expelling all Diseases: Take notice of this Key, for it is Celestial, Sydereal and Elementary, out of which the terrestrial is generated, it is both Supernatural and Natural, and is generated Celestially of the Spirit of Mercury, Spiritually of the Spirit of Sulphur, and Corporally of the Spirit of Salt; this is all the way, the whole Essence, the beginning and end; for the Spirit and the Body are bound up together in one by the Soul, that they can never be separated, but produce a very perfect, durable Body, which nothing can hurt.

Off goes the child, corporally smarting, but morally rebellious. Were there ever such unthinkable deities as parents? I would give a great deal to know what, in nine cases out of ten, is the child's unvarnished feeling.