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The account of this latter expedition, which was extant in the time of Pliny the Elder, is unfortunately lost; but, in the poem of R. Festus Avienus, entitled "Ora Maritima," there are copious extracts from it, in which, at least, the sense of the original is preserved. Haec inter undas multam caespitem jacet, Eamque late gens Hibernorum colit."

Dum solos credit habendos esse deos, quos ipse colit.

It is quite wrecked, beyond the power even of hendecasyllables to bring again its breath of beauty: Mecum si sapies, Gravina, mecum Baias, et placidos coles recessus, Quos ipsæ et veneres colunt, et illa Quæ mentes hominum regit voluptas. Hic vina et choreæ jocique regnant, Regnant et charites facetiæque. Has sedes amor, has colit cupido. Then Christian hired two open carriages for Naples.

In doing this they would only obey the natural instinct which bids all Christians worship together. "Securus colit orbis terrarum" those pursue the purpose best who pursue it together. For, unless prevented by extraneous causes, they manifestly tend, as the history of the Church's growth shows, to pursue it together." The two papers on St.

'Domitorque ferarum 'Girrhaeus, qui vasta colit sub rupibus antra, 'Qui ramos ebeni, qui dentes vellit eburnos. Carm. 47. v. 20. II. The second opinion respecting the Niger is, that it terminates in the Nile.