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The eggs of fowls, which are laid without being impregnated, are seen to contain only the yolk and white, which are evidently the food or sustenance for the future chick. 3. As the cicatricula of these eggs is given by the cock, and is evidently the rudiment of the new animal; we may conclude, that the embryon is produced by the male, and the proper food and nidus by the female.

At the same time it seems manifest, that those monstrous births, which consist in some deficiencies only, or some redundancies of parts, originate from the deficiency or redundance of the first nutriment prepared in the ovary, or in the part of the egg immediately surrounding the cicatricula, as described above; and which continues some time to excite the first living filament into action, after the simple animal is completed; or ceases to excite it, before the complete form is accomplished.

By this first nutriment thus prepared for the embryon is not meant the liquor amnii, which is produced afterwards, nor the larger exterior parts of the white of the egg; but the fluid prepared, I suppose, in the ovary of viviparous animals, and that which immediately surrounds the cicatricula of an impregnated egg, and is visible to the eye in a boiled one.

And after the prolific dust is shed on the stigma, the seed becomes coagulated in one point first, like the cicatricula of the impregnated egg. See Botanic Garden, Part I. additional note 38.