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H. Inglis, to take us to the foot of the mountains, about three miles distant, and relays of mules and ponies to ascend to Churra, where we were received with the greatest hospitality by that gentleman, who entertained us till the end of June, and procured us servants and collectors.

Harry Inglis Terrya Ghat Ascent to Churra Scenery and vegetation at foot of mountains Cascades. I was chiefly occupied during January and February of 1850, in arranging and transmitting my collections to Calcutta, and completing my manuscripts, maps, and surveys. My friend Dr.

Raban and Cave Leave Churra to cross the mountain range Coal, shale, and underclay Kala-panee river Lailangkot Luculia Pinceana Conglomerate Surureem wood Boga-panee river View of Himalaya Green-stone Age of Pine-cones Moflong plants Coix Chillong mountain Extensive view Road to Syong Broad valleys Geology Plants Myrung Granite blocks Kollong rock Pine-woods Features of country Orchids Iron forges.

The views of the many cataracts of the first class that are thus precipitated over the bare table-land on which Churra stands, into the valleys on either side, surpass anything of the kind that I have elsewhere seen, though in many respects vividly recalling the scenery around Rio de Janeiro: nor do I know any spot in the world more calculated to fascinate the naturalist who, while appreciating the elements of which a landscape is composed, is also keenly alive to the beauty and grandeur of tropical scenery.

Churra, English station of Khasia people Garrow people Houses Habits Dress Arms Dialects Marriages Food Funerals Superstitions Flat of Churra Scenery Lime and coal Mamloo Cliffs Cascades Chamaerops palm Jasper-rocks Flora of Churra Orchids Rhododendrons Pine Climate Extraordinary rain-fall Its effects Gardens of Lieuts.