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"Maybe so you never can tell. I don't know just what power Carpet-Tackers' Union Number One will wield, but the Governor's pretty solid, you know, with Labour as a whole." That was true, and went home. The striker rubbed his foot uncertainly across the floor, and took courage from its splinters. "Well, there's one thing sure.

The Governor, meanwhile, had been trying to get other men, but Carpet-Tackers' Union Number One had looked well to that. The biggest furniture dealer in the city was afraid of the plumbers. "Pipes burst last night," he said, "and they may not do a thing for us if we get mixed up in this. Sorry but I can't let my customers get pneumonia." Another furniture man was afraid of the teamsters.

"What's the matter with you fellows?" asked the attorney-general, swinging around in his chair. "Strike," declared one of the men, with becoming brevity. "Strike of what?" "Carpet-Tackers' Union Number One," replied the man, kindly gathering up a few tacks. "Never heard of it." "Organised last night," said the carpet-tacker, putting on his coat.

It's a clear case of Carpet-Tackers' Union against the State. What I want to know is Is the State going to lie down?" There were loud cries of "No!" "Well, I should say not!" "Well, then, see here. The Governor's tried for other men and can't get them. Now the next thing I want to know is What's the matter with us?" They didn't get it for a minute, and then everybody laughed. "It's no joke!