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Strange to say, there have been reports of cases in which the ossicles were deficient without causing any imperfection of hearing. Caldani mentions a case with the incus and malleus deficient, and Scarpa and Torreau quote instances of deficient ossicles.

"You may destroy them if you please," she repeated; "but I advise you to observe that they bear the Government stamp and the notarial seal of Gianbattista Caldani, notary public in the city of Aquila, and that they are, consequently, beyond all doubt genuine copies of genuine documents." Donna Tullia proceeded to open the envelope and withdraw the three papers it contained.

A slight fleshy protuberance depended from the cicatrix of the humerus and shoulder-joint of the left side, and until the age of ten there was one on the right side. She performed many tricks with her toes. Caldani speaks of a monster without arms, Davis mentions one, and Smith describes a boy of four with his upper limbs entirely absent.

De Cabalis mentions constipation lasting thirty-seven days; Caldani, sixty-five days; Lecheverel, thirty-four days; and Pomma, eight months; Sylvaticus, thirty months; Baillie, fifteen weeks; Blanchard, six weeks; Smetius, five mouths; Trioen, three months; Devilliers, two years; and Gignony, seven years.