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It was a habit he had, for he had no mind to confine the pearls of his wisdom to his immediate neighbours. His words were directed to Caerlaverock at the far end. "In my opinion this craze for the scientific stand-point is not merely overdone it is radically vicious. Human destinies cannot be treated as if they were inert objects under the microscope.

The entree course had begun, and of the two entrees one was the famous Caerlaverock curry.

The truth is that Miss Claudia, with all her cleverness, was very young and dare I say it? rather silly. Caerlaverock was stroking his beard, his legs astraddle on the hearthrug, with something appallingly viceregal in his air, when Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Cargill were announced. The Home Secretary was a joy to behold.

"Well, Vennard, what's the news from the House?" Caerlaverock asked. "Simpson is talking," said Vennard wearily. "He attacks me, of course. He says he has lived forty years in India as if that mattered! When will people recognise that the truths of democratic policy are independent of time and space?

Even if Caerlaverock were in hideous surroundings, it would be magnificent: but the river Solway is its silver foreground, and Lochar Moss is its mysterious background; so it is perfect in beauty as in strength, and if only no such hateful things as cannons had been invented, it would not now be a ruin.