United States or Lebanon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It was a trying and a hopeless period for them. The bond issue had failed miserably. It had not needed the Chronicle to remind the public of what a shaky proposition the Consolidated was, for Bobby had thoroughly exposed the corporation during the Bulletin's campaign against Sam Stone.

"I suppose you carry a gun, don't you?" "By no means," said Bobby. "Never owned one." "I'd advise you to get a good one at once," and Jolter hurried away. That evening's edition of the Bulletin contained a beautiful half-tone of Mr. Sharpe. Above it was printed: "The Bulletin's Rogues' Gallery," and beneath was the caption: "Hadn't this man better go, too?" At four o'clock of that same day Mr.

"We'll let them go right ahead, and in the meantime the Bulletin will do a lot of real nifty old sleuthing." But the Bulletin's sleuthing brought nothing wrong to light, and work upon the big waterworks contract was begun with a rush. In the meantime Agnes, true to her threat, was doing some investigating on her own account.

Said the Bulletin's editorial column: Bets are now being offered, we are told, that the editor of the Bulletin will not be in existence twenty days longer, and the case of Doctor Hogan, of the Vicksburg paper, who was murdered by gamblers of that place, is cited as a warning. Pah! War, then, is the cry, is it?

The business department of the Bulletin cheerfully accepted those advertisements at the increased rate justified by the Bulletin's increased circulation; but the editorial department just as cheerfully kept castigating the erring conservators of the public money, and the advertisements disappeared again.

Said the Bulletin's editorial columns: "Bets are now being offered, we have been told, that the editor of the Bulletin will not be in existence twenty days longer. And the case of Dr. Hogan of the Vicksburg paper who was murdered by gamblers of that place is cited as a warning. Pah!... War then is the cry, is it?

In the hastily constructed frame office out at the waterworks site, Ed Scales, pale and emaciated and with black rings under his eyes, looked up nervously as Bobby's little army, reënforced from four to six by the addition of a "plain clothes man" and Dillingham, the Bulletin's star reporter, invaded the place.