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Acquet de Férolles, and it justified Bonald's saying: "Foolish deeds done by clever men, extravagances uttered by men of intellect, crimes committed by honest people such is the story of the revolution." D'Aché had taken refuge at Tournebut.

You are at liberty to consider me consumed by envy, green with jealousy, when I here spitefully record that Elliott's ambitious poem reminds me of M. de Bonald's biting criticism on Madame de Krüdener: 'I make bold to declare, with the Bible in my hand, that the poor we shall always have with us, were it only the poor in intellect. Coke and Story will befriend poor Elliott much more effectually than the Muses, who have most ingloriously snubbed him.

And, on Bonald's death in the same year, he asked him, during the visit to Les Jardies, to use his influence with his colleagues in the Academy. "Hugo promised but little," says Gozlan; and Balzac had to wait for a better opportunity. This happened at the end of 1843, when Campenon died, and a vacancy occurred which he might reasonably claim to fill.

One day, we sat down in the valley of Guindy, near the Chapelle des Cinq Plaies, by the side of the spring. For hours I read by her side, without raising my eyes from the book, which was a very harmless one M. de Bonald's Recherches Philosophiques.

Words full of feeling, but void of sense. This definition is worth more than all which have been given since. I do not except even M. de Bonald's celebrated definition, MAN IS AN INTELLECT SERVED BY ORGANS a definition which has the double fault of explaining the known by the unknown; that is, the living being by the intellect; and of neglecting man's essential quality, animality.