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Bennett, Dr., on birds of paradise. Berbers, fertility of crosses with other races. Bernicla antarctica, colours of. Bernicle gander pairing with a Canada goose. Bert, M., crustaceans distinguish colours. Bettoni, E., on local differences in the nests of Italian birds. Beyle, M., see Bombet. Bhoteas, colour of the beard in. Bhringa, disc-formed tail-feathers of.

Stendhal, see Bombet. Stenobothrus pratorum, stridulation. Stephen, Mr. L., on the difference in the minds of men and animals; on general concepts in animals; distinction between material and formal morality. Sterility, general, of sole daughters; when crossed, a distinctive character of species; under changed conditions. Sterna, seasonal change of plumage in.

He published these under the pen name of L.A.C. Bombet. Carpani exposed the theft, but a little later the imperturbable Beyle published a second edition of his work under the name De Stendhal. An English translation from the French work is commonly seen, though never with credit to Carpani. Carpani, in his account of the home life of the Haydns, says they were happy for a honeymoon.

Boar, wild, polygamous in India; use of the tusks by the; fighting of. Boardman, Mr., Albino birds in U.S. Boitard and Corbie, MM., on the transmission of sexual peculiarities in pigeons; on the antipathy shewn by some female pigeons to certain males. Bold, Mr., on the singing of a sterile hybrid canary. Bombet, on the variability of the standard of beauty in Europe.

"Gluck," Bombet says, "in order to warm his imagination and to transport himself to Aulis or Sparta, was accustomed to place himself in the middle of a beautiful meadow. In this situation, with his piano before him, and a bottle of champagne on each side, he wrote in the open air his two 'Iphigenias, his 'Orpheus, and some other works."