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It is the portrait of the mother that carries the picture, and its superiority to many of Miss Beaux's portraits consists in the sympathy with her subject which the painter has displayed." Charles H. Caffin.

Miss Beaux's technique is altogether French, sometimes reminding me a little of Carolus Duran and of Sargent; but her individuality has triumphed over all suggestions of her foreign masters, and the combination of refinement and strength is altogether her own."

After some weeks, during which he complained of headache and nervous irritation, certain hæmorrhages indicated the sort of relief required, and he obtained it from copious cupping. Life, vol. ix. p. 327-8. See infra, p. 299. The Beaux's Stratagem, Farquhar. Through the courtesy of Miss Dick Lauder I am enabled to give the letter referred to:

One has met these ladies on many occasions, but with no increase of acquaintanceship or interest on either side our meetings are sterile of any human interest. So one turns with relief to Miss Beaux's other picture of 'Dorothea and Francesca' an older girl leading a younger one in the steps of a dance.

Thus she starts with an advantage denied to all but a very few American portrait painters, and this explains the instinctive way in which she gives to her pictured subjects an air of natural ease and good breeding." Miss Beaux's picture of "Brighton Cats" is so excellent that one almost regrets that she has not emulated Mme.

Miss Cecilia Beaux's "Brighton Cats" is famous, and every student of cats recognizes its truthfulness at once. Angora and Persian kittens find another loving and faithful student in J. Adam, whose paintings have been photographed and reproduced in this country times without number. "Puss in Boots" is another foreign picture which has been photographed and sold extensively in this country.