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While he was hibiting these fooleries around his elm-tree, a magnetiser of another class appeared in Lyons, in the person of the Chevalier de Barbarin. This person thought the effort of the will, without any of the paraphernalia of wands or baquets, was sufficient to throw patients into the magnetic sleep. He tried it and succeeded.

Tartarin, furious, wanted to go after him, but the prince prevented him. "Leave it... It's my affair." He said, and taking Tartarin by the arm he led him outside. When they had reached the square, prince Gregory of Montenegro took off his hat, held out his hand to our hero and vaguely recalling his name began in vibrant tones, "Monsieur Barbarin..." "Tartarin." Breathed the other, timidly.

When they were upon the square, Prince Gregory of Montenegro lifted his hat off; extended his hand to our hero, and as he but dimly remembered his name, he began in a vibrating voice: "Monsieur Barbarin " "Tartarin!" prompted the other, timidly. "Tartarin, Barbarin, no matter! Between us henceforward it is a league of life and death!" The Montenegrin noble shook his hand with fierce energy.

Among others, Cagliostro made good use of the delusion in extending his claims to be considered a master of the occult sciences. But he made no discoveries worthy to be compared to those of the Marquis de Puysegur and the Chevalier Barbarin, honest men, who began by deceiving themselves before they deceived others.

"Tartarin... Barbarin, it makes no difference, we are now friends for life." And the noble Montenegrin shook his hand with ferocious energy. Tartarin was was overwhelmed by pride. "Prince.... Prince" He murmured in confusion.

In the course of time, a very considerable number of magnetisers, acknowledging Barbarin for their model, and called after him Barbarinists, appeared in different parts, and were believed to have effected some remarkable cures.