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Norbert, motherless from infancy and an only child, received his early education at expensive schools, but, showing little aptitude for study and much for use of the pencil, was taken by his father at twelve years old to Paris, and there set to work under a good art-teacher. At sixteen he went to Italy, where he remained for a couple of years. Then, on a journey in the East, the elder Franks died.

Later on in years we have this verbal portrait from a disciple of the great art-teacher, occurring in an inaugural address delivered before the Ruskin Society of Glasgow: "That spare, stooping figure, the rough-hewn, kindly face, with its mobile, sensitive mouth, and clear deep eyes, so sweet and honest in repose, so keen and earnest and eloquent in debate!"

Rome is now the great art-teacher only because it is the conservator of its ancient relics; and they have had their influence undiminished from the days of Raffaelle and Michael Angelo. There are many pleasing bits of design in the antique city, that show the classic source of inspiration from which their inventors obtained them.

'Then we shan't have names any more we shall be like the Germans, nothing but Herr Obermeister and Herr Untermeister. I can imagine it "I am Mrs Colliery-Manager Crich I am Mrs Member-of-Parliament Roddice. I am Miss Art-Teacher Brangwen." Very pretty that. 'Things would work very much better, Miss Art-Teacher Brangwen, said Gerald. 'What things, Mr Colliery-Manager Crich?