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Shaykh Furayj; pointed out to us the far northern blue peaks of the 'Amud Zafar, in whose branch-Wady lie the ruins of M'jirmah. The day ended with a sudden trembling of the ship, as if straining at anchor; but the crew was again performing fantasia, and the earthquake or sea-quake rolled unheededly away.

Fronting us rose the twin granitic peaks of Jebel Mutadan, one with a stepped side like an unfinished pyramid. They are separated from the Damah by a rough and stony divide; and ruins with furnaces are reported to be found in their valley-drain, which feeds the great Wady 'Amud.

Thence the regular coralline bank, whose beach is the Bab, runs some distance down coast, allowing passage to our ugly old friend, Wady Salma. It would appear that this "'Amud" represents the "Wady el-'Aunid," a name utterly unknown to the modern Arabs, citizens and Bedawin, at least as far south as El-Haura.

"Ya Amud el Din" "0 Pillar of the Faith!" exclaimed a voice from the darkness, calling upon the patron saint of Hazramaut to save a Moslem from falling. "May the Pillar of the Faith break thy head," exclaimed the unpatriotic traveller, at once rising to resume his vain peregrinations.

On our left was a mass of cones, each dignified by its own name; no one, it is said, can ascend them, which probably means that it would be a fatiguing walk. Here are the visitation-places of three celebrated saints, Amud, Sau and Shaykh Sharlagamadi, or the "Hidden from Evil," To the north-west I was shown some blue peaks tenanted by the Eesa Somal.