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ACTIVITY is one of the moral virtues which respect life, and enter into it, 164. The activity of love makes a sense of delight, 461. The influx of Love and wisdom from the Lord is the essential activity from which comes all delight, 461. From conjugial love, as from a fountain, issue the activities and alacrities of life, 249.

Waco wins the prize, a Mexican saddle stamp-leather an' solid gold she is worth four hundred dollars, by them onpreecedented alacrities.

There happen, sometimes, fortuitous alacrities and strange furies in their deliberations, that for the most part prompt them to follow the worst grounded counsels, and swell their courage beyond the limits of reason.

Ready at the hour, for many months back; but the least motion he makes with it is a subject of jealousy. Last year, on those Russian advancings and alacrities, he had marched some Regiments into Pommern, within reach of Preussen, should the Russians actually try a stroke there: "See!" cried all the world: "See!" cried the enlightened Russian Public.

Dillon, kinsman of Colonel Howard; I've seen him often, sailing in the wake of my cousin Cicely." "Dillon!" exclaimed Barnstable, rubbing his hands with pleasure; "what, Kit of that name! he with 'the Savannah face, eyes of black, and skin of the same color? he's grown a little whiter with fear; but he's a prize, at this moment, worth twenty Alacrities!"