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When a gun has fired satisfactorily on a certain target, which is also a well-defined point on the map, and it is desired to make this particular line of fire the standard line, or, as it is commonly called, the zero line, the normal method is to align two aiming-posts with such accuracy that, no matter what other targets are fired upon, the gun can always be brought back to its zero line by means of the aiming-posts.

Captain Drysdale, who was commanding during Major Veasey's absence from the 4·5 battery, said that the programme had been carried through without a hitch, although it had been difficult in the night to get the hows. on to their aiming-posts without lights. "Kelly has gone forward, and has got a message through. He says he saw some of our firing, and the line was extraordinarily good."

"Yes, but it's hopeless trying to fix those ridiculous things in the same positions as the aiming-posts. Who was it gave the order to remove the aiming-posts?" "The subaltern who was waiting for us to relieve your battery, sir." "The battery commander wasn't here then?" "No, sir. I believe he'd gone on ahead to the waggon lines."

"What's become of the aiming-posts?" said the other colonel, puzzled and stern.

I had understood it was arranged that we should hand over ours at the waggon line, and that they should leave theirs here to give us the lines of fire." "Of course," interrupted the other colonel; "but what are you doing now? You can't get your line with those things." "I'm trying to do the best I can, sir, until my own aiming-posts arrive."

Absolute accuracy being essential, the aiming-posts are specially designed and are of a settled pattern. Judge of the two colonels' astonishment then when they perceived Dumble's impromptu contrivance. "Have you no aiming-posts?" our colonel asked Dumble sharply. "No, sir, the other battery would not leave theirs behind.