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And if we consider this science in its whole extent, from common arithmetic up to the calculus of variations, the truths already ascertained seem all but infinite, and admit of indefinite extension. These truths, though affirmable of all things whatever, of course apply to them only in respect of their quantity.

And if we consider this science in its whole extent, from common arithmetic up to the calculus of variations, the truths already ascertained seem all but infinite, and admit of indefinite extension. These truths, though affirmable of all things whatever, of course apply to them only in respect of their quantity.

Thus, all propositions with abstract terms can be turned into equivalent ones with concrete, the new terms being either the names which connote the attributes, or names of the facts which are the fundamenta of the attributes: e.g. Finally, as these five are the only things affirmable, so are they the only things deniable. The object of Logic is to find how propositions are to be proved.

Lastly, all actions have a nature, or character; something truly belonging to them, and truly affirmable of them. If actions have no character, then they are all indifferent; but this no one can affirm; we all strongly believe the contrary. Actions are not indifferent. They are good or bad, better or worse. And if so, they are declared such by an act of judgment, a function of the understanding.