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But Minerva was now to make her trial: Then the gods, with a high-sounding paean, Applauded; but Jove hushed the many-voiced tide; "For now with the lord of the briny AEge'an Athe'na shall strive for the city," he cried.

In southern Greece, however, no cruelties could quench the fire of liberty; and sixteen days after the proclamation of Ypsilanti the revolution of the Morea began at Suda, a large village in the northern part of Acha'ia, and spread over Achaia and the islands of the AEge'an.

Beginning our survey of these in the northern AEge'an, we find, off the coast of Thessaly, the Island of Lemnos, which is fabled as the spot on which the fire-god Vulcan the Lucifer of heathen mythology fell, after being hurled down from Olympus. Under a volcano of the island be established his workshop, and there forged the thunder-bolts of Jupiter and the arms of the gods and of godlike heroes.

Entering now upon the isthmus which leads into Southern Greece, we find the little state of Corinth, with its famous city of the same name, keeping guard over the narrow pass, with one foot on the Corinthian Gulf and the other on the Saron'ic, thereby commanding both the Ionian and AEge'an seas, controlling the commerce that passed between them, and holding the keys of Peloponnesus.

The country called HELLAS by the Helle'nes, its native inhabitants, and known to us by the name of Greece, forms the southern part of the most easterly of the three great peninsulas of Southern Europe, extending into the Mediterranean between the AEge'an Sea, or Grecian Archipelago, on the east, and the Ionian Sea on the west.