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Howard University, speech, 263. Human Culture, 87. Idealism, 98-100. Illusions, 235, 239. Immortality, 266, 290-292, 354. Inspiration, 289. Intellect, 166, 175. Kansas Affairs, 305. Kossuth, 307. Language, 95-97. Lincoln, Abraham, funeral remarks, 242, 243, 307. Literary Ethics, 131-136. Lord's Supper, 57-60, 303. Love, 127,128,166,170. Manners, 183, 234. Man of Letters, The, 296, 298.

See above, 98-100. The "local assemblies" generally followed in practice trade lines, but the district assemblies were "mixed." See above, 100-101. The Great Upheaval of 1886 had, as we saw, suddenly swelled the membership of trade unions; consequently, during several years following, notwithstanding the prosperity in industry, further growth was bound to proceed at a slower rate.

No one in the church denies that the Word is from the Lord, but that it is about Him alone, while not denied, is not known. This was shown in Doctrine of the New Jerusalem about the Lord, nn. 1-7, 37-44, and in Doctrine of the New Jerusalem about the Sacred Scripture, nn. 62-69, 80-90, 98-100.

Hooper, Mrs. Ellen, The Dial, 159, 160. Hope: lacking in America, 143; in every essay, 284. Horace: allusion, 22; Ars Poetica, 316. Horses, Flora Temple's time, 388. Howard University, speech, 263. Howe, Samuel Gridley, the philanthropist, 223. Hunt, Leigh, meeting Emerson, 195. Hunt, William, the painter, 223. Idealism, 98-100, 146, 150. Idealists: Ark full, 191; Platonic sense, 391.