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When the Turks had eaten and began to smoke, Millianoff gave the word to charge; and though the Turks had built thirteen breastworks to fall back on as they advanced, they yielded to the vigorous assault of the first line, and the Montenegrins swept through the whole series with a rush, not permitting the Turks to form again or gather behind one, and drove those who escaped under the walls of Podgoritza, leaving 4700 dead on the way, for no prisoners were taken.

The shrine upon the same seal is of the general form, and is like the early huts with reed sides, and an interwoven palm-rib roof. This is a specimen of an intermediate manner of workmanship. The most advanced stage of art in the sealings of the first dynasty, is No. 108. This is the royal seal of King Zer, B.C. 4700, showing him seated and wearing the crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt.

Much as this bloody roll, swelling from day to day and amounting at last to 4700 names, excited the just horror of the multitude, it at any rate checked in some degree the mere caprice of the executioners.

Half the hand mules were spinning 36's weft, at 4700 revolutions, and the other half 36's twist at 5000 revolutions per minute. The average breadth of the looms was 37 inches, weaving 37 inch cloth, making 123 picks per minute, all common calicoes about 60 reed, Stockport count, and 68 picks to the inch.

After Stewart's departure the strength of the British forces at Candahar was dangerously low only 4700 of all ranks; but it was important to thwart Ayoub's offensive movement, and a brigade consisting of a troop of horse-artillery, six companies of the 66th, two Bombay native infantry regiments, and 500 native troopers, in all about 2300 strong, under the command of Brigadier-General Burrows, reached the left bank of the Helmund on July 11th.