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Updated: August 4, 2024

Ye, and they looke so narowly uppon theyre proufittes, that the poore wyves must be countable to thym of every tenth eg, or elles she gettith not her rytes at ester, shal be taken as an heretike. . . . Is it any merveille that youre people so compleine of povertie?

For when people knowe howe to live, and howe to maynetayne and feede their wyves and children, they will not abstaine from mariage as nowe they doe.

In the first year of his reign, the Statute of Laborers of Elizabeth was confirmed, as well as that against rogues and vagabonds; the ninth act of his first Parliament was "To restraine the inordinate hauntinge and tiplinge in Innes and Alehouses," and, indeed, much of his legislation is aimed at what should properly be called "sins" rather than "crimes"; the next act after this was one to restrain "all persons from Marriage until their former Wyves and former Husbandes be deade."

The comment of another realist, Chaucer, on the tale of Patient Griselda will be remembered. Grisilde is deed and eek hire pacience, And bothe at ones buryed in Ytaille; For which I crie in open audience, No wedded man so hardy be t'assaille His wyves pacience in hope to fynde Grisildes, for in certein he shal faille! His creation of the Wife of Bath was an even more pointed commentary.

"Of your Charitie pray for the Soul of Sir Richard Delabere, Knight, late of the Countie of Hereford; Anne, daughter of the Lord Audley, and Elizabeth, daughter of William Mores, late sergeant of the hall to King Henry VII., wyves of the said Sir Richard, whyche decessed the 20th day of July, A.D. 1513, on whose souls Jesu have mercye. Amen."

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