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The vendange usually began in the lowlands about the end of August, and in the uplands a fortnight or three weeks later. The grape was carried in large baskets by men, women, and children, to the lagar, or wooden press, and was there trodden down, as in Madeira, Austria, and Italy. The Canarians, like other neo-Latins an unmechanical race, care little for economising labour.

They made dresses for the ladies in the town, worked by the day, and sometimes, when they found their earnings during the summer months fall short of what they thought sufficient to meet the expenses of the coming winter, they hired themselves to some proprietor during the period of the vendange.

Village fêtes The first of May The religious festivals The Fête Dieu Appearance of the streets The altars erected in them Procession from the church Country fairs The book-stalls at them Pictures of the Roman Catholic Church Before the Vendange Proprietors' hopes and fears Shooting in the vineyards The first day of the Vendange Appearance of the country Influx of visitors at this season The consequences Herminie Her sad history Le Morvan Recommended to the English traveller Lord Brougham and Cannes Contrast between it and Le Morvan.