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Mercifully, the side-stripe seemed to attract the more attention, or shed the more blood, and while the aardwolf was sniffing at his hole not intending to do anything if the jackal had a snap left in him, which he had, for the aardwolf possessed the heart of a sheep, really the black-back managed to dash out and abscond to his hole with the hare.

The hare was lying on her back, weakly kicking out the last of her life with her hindlegs, and a stocky, short-nosed, evil, leering, side-striped jackal was standing over her. He had done the deed. And our black-back knew that side-stripe, had met him before. The two families lived only a few hundred yards apart, and it was Mrs.

Perhaps he had designs upon her puppies. Perhaps his wife had. And perhaps Mrs. Mesomelas knew that. It is difficult to tell. There was a sort of a blackish-tawny line drawn to the side-stripe whose other and learned name was Adustus and back.

The human eye could scarcely follow him, but the human ear could hear plainly the nasty, dog-like snarling and the snap of teeth. The side-stripe, as I have said, was the weightier beast, but the black-back never gave him the advantage, which he sought, of the close-fought fight.

Side-stripe who was responsible for our friend's wife's crippled condition at that moment. This was a typical side-striper, one of the creeping, hunting-by-surprise-and-pounce sort, and it may be that he had never run down any prey worth speaking about in his life.