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'Rowl some rocks on thim by way av visitin'-kyards. We hadn't rowled more than twinty bowlders, an' the Paythans was beginnin' to swear tremenjus, whin the little orf'cer bhoy av the Tyrone shqueaks out acrost the valley: 'Fwhat the devil an' all are you doin', shpoilin' the fun for my men? Do ye not see they'll stand? "'Faith, that's a rare pluckt wan! sez Crook. 'Niver mind the rocks, men.

Lie still, ye little pinch av dynamite, an' Coort-martial me aftherwards." "Good," sez I; "'tis the likes av him makes the likes av the Commandher-in-Chief, but we must presarve thim. Fwhat d'you want to do, Sorr?" sez I, very politeful. "Kill the beggars kill the beggars!" he shqueaks; his big blue eyes brimmin' wid tears.

We hadn't rowled more than twinty bowlders, an' the Paythans was beginnin' to swear tremenjus, whin the little orf'cer bhoy av the Tyrone shqueaks out acrost the valley: "Fwhat the devil an' all are you doin', shpoilin' the fun for my men? Do ye not see they'll stand?" "Faith, that's a rare pluckt wan!" sez Crook. "Niver mind the rocks, men. Come along down an' take tay wid thim!"

Lie still, ye little pinch av dynamite, an' Coort-martial me aftherward. "'Good, sez I; ''tis the likes av him makes the likes av the Commandher-in-Chief, but we must presarve thim. Fwhat d'you want to do, sorr? sez I, very politeful. "'Kill the beggars kill the beggars! he shqueaks; his big blue eyes brimmin' wid tears.