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On the route I was met by the Lama of Silokfoke Goompa. Though a resident on the Lassoo Kajee's estates, he politely brought me a present, at the same time apologising for not waiting till I had encamped, owing to his excessive fat, which prevented his climbing.

At a considerable distance across the head of the valley was still a third goompa, that of Phenzong. We were met by a large party of armed Lepchas, dressed in blue and white striped kirtles, broad loose scarlet jackets; and the little bamboo wattle hat lined with talc, and surmounted by a peacock's feather; they escorted us to the village, and then retired.

On the brow of the hill behind was the large red goompa of the Tupgain Lama, the late heir-apparent to the temporal and spiritual authority in Sikkim; and near it a nunnery called Lagong, the lady abbess of which is a daughter of the Rajah, who, with the assistance of sisters, keeps an enormous Mani, or praying-cylinder, revolving perpetually to the prayer of "Om Mani Padmi hom."

This was not to be disputed by the Pilo, who, however, plundered the Goompa of its silver, gold, and books, leaving nothing but the bare walls for the successful Lama! The Tibetans seldom pursue the culprits, as the Lhassan government avoids all interference south of their own frontier.

Journey to the Rajah's residence at Tumloong Ryott valley Rajah's house Tupgain Lama Lagong nunnery Phadong Goompa Phenzong ditto Lepcha Sepoys Proceedings at Tumloong Refused admittance to Rajah Women's dresses Meepo's and Tchebu Lama's families Chapel Leave for Chola pass Ryott river Rungpo, view from Deputation of Kajees, etc.