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Updated: August 4, 2024

'He'll help us f'r to make th' Ph'lippeens indepindint on us f'r support, I says; 'an', whin th' blessin's iv civilization has been extinded to his beloved counthry, an', I says, 'they put up intarnal rivinue offices an' post-offices, I says, 'we'll give him a good job as a letter-carrier, I says, 'where he won't have annything to do, I says, 'but walk, I says.

If the crathur hadn't bin afther laving her own husband, and runnin' off with Pat Rooney, may be that her darlint ould mother's life would have bin extinded many years afther her death shame on the crathur! But thin, it's not the ould lady's wake that would have bin the last that Thady O'Flannerty attinded in Limerick bad luck to her!"

'I see th' low and vicious inhabitants iv th' counthry soon, I thrust, to be me fellow-citizens, an' as I set there an' watched th' sea rollin' up its uncounted millyons iv feet iv blue wather, an' th' stars sparklin' like lamp-posts we pass in th' night, as I see th' mountains raisin' their snow-capped heads f'r to salute th' sun, while their feet extinded almost to th' place where I shtud; whin I see all th' glories iv that almost, I may say, thropical clime, an' thought what a good place this wud be f'r to ship base-burnin' parlor stoves, an' men's shirtings to th' accursed natives iv neighborin' Chiny, I says to mesilf, 'This is no mere man's wurruk.

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