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Cruel slanders. Brief stay in this country. Elevated personal character. Testimony to his private worth. Letter from Hortense to her son. Anxieties, sorrows, and sickness of Hortense. Letter to Madame Récamier. Hortense receives letters from her son. Louis Napoleon returns to Arenemberg. Death of Hortense. Action of the Government of Louis Philippe. Burial of Hortense.

The crown had not been placed upon his brow either by legitimacy or by popular suffrage, and there were but few whom he could rally to his support. With never-flagging zeal the prince prosecuted his studies in the peaceful retreat at Arenemberg, that he might be prepared for the high destiny which he believed awaited him.

Madame Salvage, a distinguished lady, who had devoted herself with life-long enthusiasm to the Queen of Holland, accompanied her to France and returned with her to Arenemberg. On the 13th of April, Madame Salvage wrote the following letter from Arenemberg to Madame Récamier. "I wrote you a long letter four days ago, dear friend, telling you of my unhappiness.

After the graduation of her children, Hortense, with Louis Napoleon, spent most of their time at Arenemberg, interspersed with visits to Rome and Florence. The beautiful chateau was situated upon a swell of land, with green lawns and a thick growth of forest trees, through which there were enchanting views of the mountain and of the lake.