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The little book should be read for its intrinsic worth, its delightful style, its faithful delineation of character, and its earnestness of moral purpose. Mme. de La Fayette died in 1693. During her last years ill health and sorrow had forced upon her an almost absolute seclusion, and she died forgotten by all except a few faithful friends. The place of her burial is unknown.

The sympathy of Daudet, the man, was unfailing; his pity For the weak, his love for his family and friends, his hatred of villainy, were boundless. He delighted in little acts of charity the source of which remained unknown to the world and even to the recipient.

On January 18, 1568, Don Carlos was seized and placed in close confinement. The Council of State condemned him to death, but before the sentence could be executed the prince died in an unknown manner. MONSIEUR DE SAVOIE. Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy, was born at Chambéry, July 8, 1528. He was an officer in the army of Charles V., and in 1557 won the battle of Saint-Quentin.

Not as a foe, but friend, converse with Death, Since to the port of happiness unknown He brought that treasure which you call your own.

Quoique tous les hommes alors sur le pont se tinssent sur leurs gardes, deux d'entre eux arrachés aux étais du mât de misaine par l'irruption des flots disparurent dans l'abîme inexorable: Without a grave, unknell'd uncoffin'd and unknown.