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2 20: flèches caraïbes: 'Carib arrows. The Caribs are the most war-like tribe of northern South America, the home of the famous curare poison and other arrow-poisons. casse-tête: any kind of war-club that can be wielded by one hand; transl. 2 21: est-ce que je sais! lit. 'do I know! transl. 'and what not. Engl.

E. Fournier, Variétés historiques et littéraires, I, 311. Sauvé, Lavarou Koz. Lecoeur, Esquisses du Bocage normand, II, 757. Ancien Théâtre français, IV, 257, 265. Paul Sébillot, Les Travaux publics et les Mines, 40; Coutumes de la Haute-Bretagne, 235, 287. Noguès, Moeurs d'autrefois en Saintonge, 200. Henderson, Folk-Lore of Northern Counties, 80. E. Monseur, Le Folk-Lore wallon. 126, 131.

It is also the seat of a bishop. 69 25 vous ... casquettes: transl. 'all of you gentlemen, the caphunters. 69 27 la vôtre: i.e. votre romance, cf. pages 6-7. 69 30 Bédouins: nomadic Arabs in northern Africa and Arabia. 69 32 tout cela: cf. note to 55 28. 69 33 auquel ... rien: cf. je ne comprends rien

The ground of justification taken by the government in adducing the 59th article of the Constitution, is a mere quibble. It is so wretchedly sophistical that it is quite sufficient to raise serious doubts of their sincerity. You may rely on it, if this is persevered in, that we must bid adieu to all our hopes of recognition by the Northern Powers.

Cette partie du Bund est la promenade favorite, en été, le soir, comme la route de Bubbling-Well l'est le jour. À l'extrémité, sur un grand pont de fer traversant l'entrée de la rivière de Sou-tchéou, on passe de ce quartier, dit «Central district», au quartier de Hong-keou dit «Northern district». On tombe, l