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Don Juan, the hero of the play, while he pales somewhat before the brilliant, protagonistic rôle of the heroine, represents on a lesser plane Lope's conception of the true Spanish gallant, whom the poet often pictures under this name or that of "Fernando" and not infrequently lets his personality show through even to the extent of revealing interesting autobiographical details.

Or if they have read a few of the best Spanish novels in French or English versions, they may not have found them very interesting. This is explained, I take it, by the fact that Spanish literature is essentially national, and if you do not know the Spanish people you can not fully understand their literature. This is largely true of all literatures, but it is especially true of the Spanish.

The references to this extensive work are usually made by means of the titles of the separate volumes. Particularly is this true of the references to the dramas of Lope de Vega, which, under the title of Comedias Escogidas de Lope de Vega, include volumes 24, 34, 41, 52 of the work. Obras Escogidas de Frey Lope Félix de Vega Carpio, con prólogo y notas por Elías Zerolo, Paris, 1886, Vol.

And all describe recent conditions, except the tale, partly historical and partly legendary, by Bécquer, which goes back to the invasion of Spain by the French under Napoleon in the early years of the nineteenth century; the story by Larra, which, however, is nearly as true of Castile to-day as it was when written; and Trueba's story, which is partly legendary, partly symbolic, and partly realistic.

Este mismo Dodsley conocía tan poco el teatro español, que en su Collection of old plays, la comedia copiada que se titula Elvira or the worst not always true y The Adventures of five hours, aparecen como originales ingleses, siendo sus modelos españoles, y de los más conocidos y populares, y estando además insertos en el Theâtre espagnol de Linguet .