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Updated: August 11, 2024

And O bull among men, the presence of Mahadeva is there. Arriving then, O Bharata, at the spot where the Sindhu mingleth with the sea, one should with subdued soul bathe in that tirtha of Varuna. And bathing there and giving oblations of water to the Pitris, the Rishis, and the gods one acquireth, O bull of the Bharata race, the region of Varuna, and blazeth forth in effulgence of his own.

Bathing at the confluence of the Ganga and the Saraswati, a person obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice and also ascendeth to heaven. Proceeding next to Bhadrakarneswara and worshipping the gods duly, one, without sinking into distress, becometh adored in heaven. Then, O lord of men, the pilgrim should proceed to the tirtha called Kuvjamraka.

Bathing there one obtaineth the merit of the gift of a thousand kine. One should next proceed to the excellent tirtha of Brahma. One should then, O best of men, proceed to the excellent tirtha called Soma. Bathing there, O king, one obtaineth the region of Soma.

O best of men, it hath been said by learned persons that men, however sinful, by bathing in Prithudaka, go to heaven. O best of the Bharatas, there in that tirtha is another called Madhusrava. Bathing there, O king, one obtaineth the merit of giving away a thousand kine. One should then proceed, O king, to that celebrated and sacred tirtha where the Saraswati uniteth with the Aruna.

Upon also the pores of an ant-hill, upon the right ear of a goat, upon a piece of level earth, upon the waters of a Tirtha, or on the hand of a Brahmana, if libations are poured, the illustrious deity of fire becomes gratified and regards it as a source of his own aggrandisement as also that of the deities through his.

Proceeding next to the island called Rishabha, that is destructive of cranes, and bathing in the Saraswati, an individual blazeth forth in heaven. Proceeding next to the tirtha called Auddalaka frequented by Munis, and bathing there one is cleansed of all his sins.

O king, repairing to that tirtha and bathing there, one obtaineth fruition of all his desires. O bull of the Bharata race, that tirtha is regarded as the gate of Kurukshetra. The pilgrim should with concentrated soul, walk round it. Equal unto the Pushkaras, it was created by the high-souled Rama, the son of Jamadagni.

O king, there is a tirtha of the illustrious Kapila, king of the Nagas, that is celebrated, O thou best of Kurus, over all the worlds. Bathing there at the Nagatirtha one obtaineth, O king, the merit of giving away a thousand Kapila kine. One should next repair to the excellent tirtha of Santanu, called Lalitika.

Darbhi had also brought hither the four oceans. O best of men, one that batheth here, never meeteth with distress hereafter and obtaineth also the merit of giving away four thousand kine. One should next repair, O virtuous one, to the tirtha called Satasahasraka. Near to this is another called Sahasraka.

Proceeding next to Varanasi, and worshipping the god having the bull for his mark, after a bath in the Kapilahrada, one obtaineth the merit of the Rajasuya sacrifice. Repairing then, O perpetuator of the Kuru race, to the tirtha called Avimukta, and beholding there the god of gods, the pilgrim, from such sight alone, is immediately cleansed of even the sin of slaying a Brahmana.

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