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There being nothing else to do during the afternoon, I awaited the time of setting out for the Grosvenor's, who tried to ape the swells the swells of Noonoon! These being, as far as I could gather, the doctors, the lawyer, a couple of bank managers on a salary somewhere about £250 per annum, the Stip.

"Sargint, put a sintry over these two men." 'The men wint back into the tents like jackals, an' the rest av the night there was no noise at all excipt the stip av the sintry over the two, an' Scrub Greene blubberin' like a child. 'Twas a chilly night, an' faith, ut sobered Peg Barney. 'Just before Revelly, my orf'cer bhoy comes out an' sez: "Loose those men an' send thim to their tents!"

"'Mad, thinks I, 'mad as a coot, an' I tuk wan stip forward, an' the nixt I knew was the sole av my boot flappin' like a cavalry gydon an' the funny-bone av my toes tinglin'. 'Twas a clane-cut shot a slug that niver touched sock or hide, but set me bare-fut on the rocks.

"Sure, an' it's illigence itsilf this side: you wouldn't be afther leaving half undone, like a man with only one cheek shaved." Judy affected an Irish brogue at some occult reason of her own. "Sure an' if ye'd jist stip down and examine it yirself, it's quite aisy ye'd be in yer moind." The Captain hid a slight smile in his moustache.

De firs' business whut come' before de convintion am: whut we gwine do to a li'l' black boy whut stip' on de king an' maul' all ober de king an' treat' de king dat disrespictful'." An li'l' black Mose jes moan' an' sob': "'Scuse me! 'Scuse me, Mistah King! Ah ain't mean no harm at all."

"He war, yer honor; and I was tellin' him yer honor 'id be wantin' the money this week, an' I axed him to stip up o' Friday mornin'; an', sis I, 'Misthur Tierney' for since he made out the mare and the ould car, it's Misthur Tierney he goes by 'it's a fine saison any way for the corn, sis I, 'the Lord be praised; an' the hay all saved on thim illigant bottoms of yours, Misthur Tierney.

Whin yivery li'l' black boy whut choose' gwine wander round at night an' stip on de king ob ghostes, it ain't no time for to palaver, it ain't no time for to prevaricate, it ain't no time for to cogitate, it ain't no time do nuffin' but tell de truth, an' de whole truth, an' nuffin' but de truth."

"And yit, Captin, it sames to me," observed Lieutenant Murphy, in allusion to the remark of Blessington rather than in reply to the last speaker, "it sames to me, I say, that promotion in ony way is all fair and honourable in times of hardship like thase; and though we may drop a tare over our suparior when the luck of war, in the shape of a tommyhawk, knocks him over, still there can be no rason why we shouldn't stip into his shoes the viry nixt instant; and it's that, we all know, that we fight for.

'Sargint, put a sintry over these two men. "The men wint back into the tents like jackals, an' the rest av the night there was no noise at all excipt the stip av the sintry over the two, an' Scrub Greene blubberin' like a child. 'Twas a chilly night, an' faith, ut sobered Peg Barney.

Upon this the orange-coloured lacquey, very quietly reading the address on the card, and spelling letter by letter in an audible mutter, rejoined, Och, by my shoul, and it's Count Devereux after all I'm thinking?" "You think with equal profundity and truth." "You may well say that, your honour. Stip in a bit: I'll tell my master; it is himself that will see you in a twinkling!"