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And every fresh attempt has proved a fresh illusion." And here he again broke off the conversation, and left Madam Kramm to cogitate upon this strange story for another week. She said not a word about it to any one. On the following Sunday, Abellino again made his appearance.

As, moreover, the predicates whereby I cogitate this object are merely intuitions of the internal sense, there cannot be discovered in them anything to prove the existence of a manifold whose parts are external to each other, and, consequently, nothing to prove the existence of real composition.

When I wish to cogitate, want drives me out of the sanctuary where my mind has its being. What is to become of me? "I am not frightened at poverty. If it were not that beggars are imprisoned, branded, scorned, I would beg, to enable me to solve at my leisure the problems that haunt me.

If we were to attribute succession to time itself, we should be obliged to cogitate another time, in which this succession would be possible. It is only by means of the permanent that existence in different parts of the successive series of time receives a quantity, which we entitle duration.

What metaphor for the garden? Let me see! let me cogitate! A dragon the Hesperides! That's beyant you. A bit of a hedge will do, an' a gate." "Don't put a gate in, it's not lucky. You know, when a man takes to dhrink, they say he's goin' a gray gate, or a black gate, or a bad gate. Put that out, an' make the hedge longer, an' it'll do wid the two tumblers, though." "They're down.

He was a man who, by dint of training, could comfortably dispense with sleep when he felt so inclined, or when circumstances made such a course advisable. He walked to and fro in his room, and cogitated as few people beside Theodore Racksole could cogitate.

Now, although this idea of the sum-total of all possibility, in so far as it forms the condition of the complete determination of everything, is itself undetermined in relation to the predicates which may constitute this sum-total, and we cogitate in it merely the sum-total of all possible predicates we nevertheless find, upon closer examination, that this idea, as a primitive conception of the mind, excludes a large number of predicates those deduced and those irreconcilable with others, and that it is evolved as a conception completely determined a priori.

He could but reflect, as the man glided slowly along, that if he had the three friends beside him, how easily they could glide away in the darkness and leave all danger behind. But they were in the extremity of peril already, and, reflect and cogitate as much as he chose, he could see no earthly way of assisting them out of their difficulty.

Why, John James, the carter, is genteeler than a great coarse sailor such as you. Go you away, I say. 'You ought to have said a seafaring dolphin or whale; they don't pay twopence a week to learn manners, like you land-lubbers. When you want me you may send for me. Owen went off very much offended, leaving Netta to cogitate upon the cruelty of her relations.

Nature's gone it's damned artifice rules, I tell ye; and a squire of our country must be three parts lawyer to keep his own. You must learn; by God, sir, you must cogitate; you must stew at books and maps, or you'll have some infernal upstart taking the lead of you, and leaving you nothing but the whiff of his tail. He concluded, 'I'm glad to see you toss down your claret, my boy.