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She had a few shillings which Mr Prothero had given her, and these she put into her pocket, together with a pincushion, and a curious foreign shell, gifts of Owen. She thought of Netta, and of her very different flight from the same house; she fancied that if she had been in her place, no lover, however dear, could have prevailed upon her to leave so good a mother; but she was different.

Before the first morning was over she knew that Helen Rawson was admired but feared; that Joyce Pearse was the most popular girl in the school, and had taken a dislike to herself, but liked Kitty and Betty; that Netta Anderson was Miss Richards's favourite pupil, and that she herself did not like Netta; and that Lettice Kitson was not very wise and not very honourable, and that Maude was the same, but was the more clever of the two.

This remark did not lessen Gertrude's discomfiture, which became extreme on Dr. Jeremy's taking Netta by the arm and insisting upon knowing her meaning, declaring that he always had suspicions of Gertrude, and wanted to know with whom she had been walking.

Lawrence returned this compliment heartily, and was about to make some further remark, when little Netta White rushed into the room with a frightened look and pale cheeks, exclaiming, "Oh, Dr Lawrence, sir, she's very ill. I think she's dying."

'After tea! whispered Mrs Prothero to Mrs Jenkins, as she went out to meet her husband. 'Here's Elizabeth Jenkins, David, come over to see us, and she is going to stay to tea. I think she wants to speak to you afterwards. 'Very glad to see her; but Howel sha'n't have Netta a bit the more for that.

'What do you think of her, Owen? whispered Howel, as he stood literally gazing at her before dinner. 'I can't exactly say, was the reply; 'but she is no longer Netta Prothero of the Farm. 'I should imagine not! said Howel. 'Pray don't let us talk of farms here, Owen. I don't like conversation that smells of the shop.

I wish he hadn't asked them. 'Oh, for sham! Netta. There they are, I shouldn't wonder! Yes indeet! says Mrs Jenkins, 'I hear them talking on the stairs.

'Netta, he added, in a low, sad voice, 'I fear, after all, you do not love me, and I have very few who care for me in this world. 'Do not say this, cousin, sobbed Netta, 'you know I always promised I always said I I will do anything in the world you wish me, cousin Howel. 'Even if your father refuses? 'Yes, I will not care for any one but you.

Owen paid a visit to Mrs Jenkins' abode, and heard from the servant left in charge that she was not expected home for some time. Owen bribed the woman to let him know when her mistress returned, and comforted his mother by assuring her that he would find out all about Netta from Aunt 'Lizbeth, whose tongue was too well oiled to stop going.

'Can't find her, cried Owen, returning. 'Perhaps she is ill upstairs, suggested Mrs Prothero, rising, and running up to her room. The room was empty, as we know, and Mrs Prothero was about to leave it again, when she went to the open window to see if she could espy Netta from it. She passed the dressing-table as she did so, and perceiving a letter, glanced at the direction.