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"'Mad, thinks I, 'mad as a coot, an' I tuk wan stip forward, an' the nixt I knew was the sole av my boot flappin' like a cavalry gydon an' the funny-bone av my toes tinglin'. 'Twas a clane-cut shot a slug that niver touched sock or hide, but set me bare-fut on the rocks.

"Lucky you brought along another wagon, Uncle Noah," said The Fox, as the remainder of the girls ran to the second vehicle. Both of the wagons soon started. It was a hot and dusty afternoon and the girls were really crowded. "I'm squeezed in so tight I can't think," moaned Helen. "Ouch!" cried Belle Tingley. "That's my funny-bone you hit, Lluella, with your handbag. Oh! how funny it feels."

He could not have used a word more calculated to rouse the Egyptian's ire, and she walked away with her head erect. Only once did she look back, and it was to say "This is prudence now." A young man thinks that he alone of mortals is impervious to love, and so the discovery that he is in it suddenly alters his views of his own mechanism. It is thus not unlike a rap on the funny-bone.

They always try to get off as cheaply as they can; and the cheapest of all things they can give a literary man pardon the forlorn pleasantry! is the FUNNY-bone. That is all very well so far as it goes, but satisfies no man, and makes a good many angry, as I told you on a former occasion. Oh, indeed, no! I am not ashamed to make you laugh, occasionally.

Meantime two boys had got hold of sticks, and both had gone to work in Skepsey's gallant style; and soon one was howling. He excused himself, because of the funny-bone, situated, in his case, higher than usual up the arm. And now the pair of men were giving and taking cuts to make a rhinoceros caper. 'Very well; begin that way; try what you can bear, said Dartrey.

Only a little strain, and the pain from your " Admirable though her French accent was, she could not think of the French word for "funny-bone." Indeed she had never learnt it. So she said it in English. Musa knew not what she meant, and thus a slight chasm was opened between them which neither could bridge. She finished: "In one week you are going to be able to play again." Musa shook his head.

He peep thoo de crack er de door, but he can't see nothin'. "Brer Rabbit holler louder, 'Heyo, house! Ain't you gwine ter heyo? Is you done los' what little manners you had? "Brer Wolf move 'bout wuss'n befo'. He feel like sum un done hit 'im on de funny-bone.

"Twenty thousand!" said Douglass derisively. "You haven't heard of a lone cowpuncher about my size that's been holding up any banks or treasure trains, have you? Twenty thousand! Why say, you old redheaded funny-bone, I'm ashamed to tell you what I'd do for one-half that much money, honest I am.

Everybody laughed, except Parkinson, who grinned sheepishly. "Training orders, Parkinson!" insisted the coach. "Trot right over and let the funny-bone of each arm drive at the bag for twenty-five times. Hurry up. We'll watch you." So Mr. Parkinson, of the junior class, seeing that the order was a positive one, had the good sense to obey.

I had smashed his funny-bone against the rock before he could blaze again; the revolver fell with a rattle, but without going off; in an instant I had it tight, and the little swine at my mercy at last." "You didn't show him any?" "Mercy? With Faustina dead at my feet? I should have deserved none in the next world if I had shown him any in this!