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My lord, wad ye jist say a word to my leddy, or I'll be forced to tak the tiller frae her." But by and by she grew weary of the attention required, and, giving up the helm, began to seek the explanation of its influence, in a way that delighted Malcolm. "Ye'll mak a guid skipper some day," he said: "ye spier the richt questions, an' that's 'maist as guid 's kennin' the richt answers."

Through all this wild and luxurious wilderness of vines, grasses and flowers flitted the honey bee, called by the Indians, "the white man's fly," storing his golden burden in the hollow trunks of the trees. While on the march from Vincennes, in the last days of September, 1811, Captain Spier Spencer's Yellow Jackets found three bee trees in an hour and spent the evening in cutting them down.

The niece, who, although she had no lover, was on the lookout for love, suspected a romance of the middle-aged, and smiled in the half-darkness of the street; smiled with a touch of malice, as one who has pierced the armor of the fortress, and knows its weakness. But it was not of love that Humbert and the Fraulein talked. Herman Spier was busy in those days and making plans.

An' syne, wi' the folk comin' to spier for 'im an' swarmin' ower the kirkyaird, ye'd think a warlock was aboot. Bobby isna your dog " "Haud yoursel', man. Bobby's a famous dog, with the freedom of Edinburgh given to him, and naething will do but Glenormiston must show him to a company o' grand folk at his bit country place.

"Do ye ken what licht is, Tibbie?" said Annie, whom Milton had set meditating on Tibbie's physical in relation to her mental condition. "Ay, weel eneuch," answered Tibbie, with a touch of indignation at the imputed ignorance. "What for no? What gars ye spier?" "Ow! I jist wanted to ken." "Hoo could I no ken?

"Ye may weel speir, missie! but I hae ill tellin' ye. "I should like to ask Donal what book he has got," said Ginny. "I'll cry till 'im, an' ye can speir," said Nicie. "Donal! Donal!" Donal looked up, and seeing his sister, came running to the bank of the stream. "Canna ye come ower, Donal?" said Nicie. "Here's Miss Galbraith wants to spier ye a question."

"I did," answered Alec; "and I will do yours the same guid turn, gin he worries bairns." "And quite richt, too!" said the sutor's wife. "Lat him gang, Donal. I'll be boun' he's no ane o' them." "Tell's a' aboot it, than. Hoo cam ye up there?" "I gaed up to tak the divot aff o' Lucky Lapp's lum. Spier at her. Ance up I thocht I micht gie the lave o' ye a gude turn, and this is a' I get for't."

"I see I have fallen under your displeasure, ma'am," said I. "Yet I will still be so bold as ask after Mistress Drummond." She considered me with a burning eye, her lips pressed close together into twenty creases, her hand shaking on her staff. "This cows all!" she cried. "Ye come to me to spier for her! Would God I knew!" "She is not here?" I cried.

The right flank is made up of the famous Yellow Jackets of Harrison county, Indiana. They wear yellow flannel hunting shirts with a red fringe and hats with red plumes. Their officers are Captain Spier Spencer, sheriff of his county; First-Lieutenant Richard McMahan, Second-Lieutenant Thomas Berry, and Ensign John Tipton.

She threw up her chin and made a step and a cry at me, so that I fell back incontinent. "Out upon your leeing throat!" she cried. "What! ye come and spier at me! She's in jyle, whaur ye took her to that's all there is to it. And of a' the beings ever I beheld in breeks, to think it should be you! Ye timmer scoun'rel, if I had a male left to my name I would have your jaicket dustit till ye raired."