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"I'm won'erin' what my mother'll be deein'," answered Nicie: "she's up there." "Up there!" exclaimed Ginny, and, turning, stared at the mountain too, expecting to perceive Nicie's mother somewhere upon the face of it. "Na, na, missie! ye canna see her," said the girl; "she's no in sicht. She's ower ayont there. "How I should like to see your father and mother, Nicie!" exclaimed Ginevra.

CAPT. G. winces as though shot and procession is Mendelssohned out of Church to house, where usual tortures take place over the wedding-cake. They expect a speech. CAPT. M. Doocid good, for a first attempt. Where are the shoes? Get an ayah. AYAH. Missie Captain Sahib done gone band karo all the jutis. Some one lend me a bread-knife. We mustn't crack Gaddy's head more than it is.

They were a good way off, with another larger burn between; but Gibbie whistled, and Oscar came flying to him. Nicie looked up, gave a cry, and like a sheep to her lost lamb came running. "Oh, missie!" she said, breathless, as she reached the opposite bank of the burn, and her tone had more than a touch of sorrowful reproach in it, "what garred ye rin awa'?"

"Not you, your grace. No, not ever so, bless you." Wellington was standing on the book, great tusks gleaming, eyes glaring, a hideous picture of rage; but love casts out fear, even the just fear of a dog who would never let go until you or he were dead, once he got his teeth into any part of yon. There was no haste about Jane Coop as she knelt beside him. "Missie wants you," she said.

When dere wuz talk of Yankies cumin' de missie told me to git a box an she filled it with gold an' silver, lots of it, she wuz rich, an I dug a hole near de hen house an put in de box an' covered it with dirt an' smoothed it down an scattered some leaves an twigs ovah it. She told me nevah, nevah to tell about it and I nevah did until now.

"You ought to be ashamed of yourself, sir," cried Sarah; "and here have I been ill-using this poor boy because Oh, Pompey, Pompey, Pompey!" She caught him in her arms and gave him a motherly hug, while I stood amongst the trees speechless. "Missie cry her eyes cos she whip Pompey?" "Yes, my poor boy," cried Sarah. "But his father shall know. Ah, you may well stop in hiding, sir; it's a shame."

You see I had no time nor thought but for poor Lance, and Alda was so new to it. 'Ah, Missie dear, you were always the one to vindicate her, but 'tis no use! Newness! 'Twasn't newness that makes her turn the back of her hand to this darling innocent, till he cries if he's left a moment with her. Ay, my precious, what would have become of you and me but for Masther Clem?

I'll tell my papa." "Hoot! whisht, missie!" said Angus. "It was by yer papa's ain orders I gae him the whup, an' he weel deserved it forby. An' gien ye dinna gang awa, an' be a guid yoong leddy, I'll gie 'im mair yet." "I'll tell God," shrieked Ginevra with fresh energy of defensive love and wrath.

And do you know, missie, the night she died she died soon after your father was born, a year after she was married for a whole hour, from twelve to one, that cuckoo went on cuckooing in a soft, sad way, like some living creature in trouble.

"Were you calling me, missie?" he jeered. "Let me out," she demanded. "When my brothers find me " "If they find you," he corrected with a hiccough. "They'll find me. By this time everybody in Huerfano Park is searching for me. Before night half of Battle Butte will be in the saddle. Well, when they find me, do you think you won't be punished for this?" "For what?" demanded the man. "You fell in.