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Nurse Beaton fed, tended, clothed and nursed the baby by day; a worshipping ayah wheeled him abroad, and, by night, slept beside his cot; a devoted sepoy-orderly from the regiment guarded his cavalcade, and, when permitted, proudly bore him in his arms. Major John Decies visited him frequently, watched and waited, waited and watched, and, though not a youth, "thought long, long thoughts".

Get out, man go away wait outside! Go! Here, Ayah! The dawn breaks as G. stumbles into the garden. Stay a bit. Have a drink or something. Don't run away. You're just getting amusing. Ha! Ha! Gaddy has aged ten years in the night. CAPT. M. So it is. Put it straight, will you? Poor Gaddy. CAPT. G. links and unlinks curb-chain aimlessly, and finally stands staring towards the veranda.

I used to count them when they rode home with my father and mother, or assembled for any of the many reasons for which "company" hung about our homes. I remember that it was an amusement to me to discover, "there are six to-day," or "five to-day," and to tell my Ayah. I was even more minute. I divided them into three classes: "the little ones, the middle ones, and the old ones."

The ayah's voice finished in the tones of ceremony; and she moved smoothly from the room, unconscious that she had not been dismissed. The following evening, after the police commissioner had gone down, the ayah brought report concerning the stranger. His name was Sanford Hantee Sahib. He was an American Sahib. He did not consort with any of his own people, nor with Europeans.

It was this Sophy who conferred so long and earnestly with Lily ayah, respecting methods to be adopted, pretences effected, infinitesimal doses exchanged for the usual amount, and the patient craftily beguiled but it is almost impossible to beguile a person who is suffering from the fierce craving for a drug; and the want of her normal supply soon began to make itself apparent in Mrs.

I soon found that my investment was a failure, for the skirt flapped about like a sheet in the wind, and the marks of perspiration on my coat looked most unsightly, so I handed over my drill habit to my ayah, a gift which I know she did not appreciate at anything approaching its cost.

'My idiot of an ayah has gone home, and, as I hope to sleep to-night, there isn't a soul in the place to unlace me. 'Oh, this is too bad! said Mrs. Mallowe sulkily. 'Cant help it. I'm a lone, lorn grass-widow, dear, but I will not sleep in my stays. And such news too! Oh, do unlace me, there's a darling! The Dowd The Dancing Master I and the Hawley Boy You know the North verandah?

George had evidently decided to follow my theological lead, and he replied, "Yes, Margery dear." "Shall you see them?" I asked. "No, no, Margery. I'm not good enough to see angels." "I think you're very good," said I. "And please be good, Mr. George, and then the angels will fetch you, and perhaps me, and Mamma, and perhaps Ayah, and perhaps Bustle, and perhaps Clive." Bustle was Mr.

She was spread out with stiff silk flounces and velvet mantle, so as to emulate her husband's importance, and her chains and bracelets clattered so much, that Mr. Kendal could not help saying, 'You should have taken lessons of your Ayah, to learn how to manage your bangles.

She seized her flannel apron from the bed where she had placed it ready before she went out, and with one last lingering look at herself went swiftly to her new duties. Tea passed peacefully enough, though Fay asked embarrassing questions, such as "Why you wear suts a funny hat?" "Because I'm an ayah," Meg answered quickly. "Ayahs don't wear zose kind of hats."