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"I see," he said, and Harris, knowing that due weight would be given the fact let go a faint sigh of relief and stepped back. The cigar came out of the General's mouth. "Tell me about it," he said to Uncle Billy. The old negro drew himself up and shifted his weight onto his other foot. "Well, seh, 'twas dis way. One mornin' de blue-bellies 'skuse me, seh, de cav'lry gent'men.

"Well er well, 'skuse me, Mars' Gen'l, but but down whar I lives at de de white gent'men understands a nigger better'n what you-all does. Yas, seh." General Grant may have smiled internally, but the only symptom of amusement was the dry note in his voice. "I see. But there has been some difference of opinion on the point." He paused and then pointed past Uncle Billy directly at Morrison.

"There now, Billy don't," Cary said with a gesture of pity and unending gratitude. Uncle Billy rose slowly to his feet. "Yas, seh. Yas, seh," he answered obediently. "'Skuse me, Mars' Gen'l. I couldn' he'p it, seh. I I couldn' he'p it. Dey wouldn' eben lemme see him in de guard house " "That will do," interrupted the General firmly. "Listen to me. When did you see Mr. Morrison last?"

Brer Fox, he seed his game wuz up, en 'twan't long 'fo' he make his skuse en start fer ter go. "'You better Stay en take a snack wid me, Brer Fox, sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. 'Sence Brer Wolf done quite comin' en settin' up wid me, I gittin' so I feels right lonesome dese long nights, sezee. "But Brer Fox, he button up his coat-collar tight en des put out fer home.

De little Rabbits, dey mighty skittish, en dey sorter huddle deyse'f up tergedder en watch Brer Fox motions. Brer Fox, he sot dar en study w'at sorter skuse he gwineter make up.

When yo' come again, sah, yo' 'll find de Widder Glencoe on de sideboard." "Has the colonel many friends here?" "Mos' de ole ones bin done gone, sah, and de Kernel don' cotton to de new. He don' mix much in sassiety till de bank settlements bin gone done. Skuse me, sah! but you don' happen to know when dat is? It would be a pow'ful heap off de Kernel's mind if it was done.

Well, me and Miss Phillis used to dress up hansum for dinner to set good sample to niggars, and two ob de coloured waiters tended on us. "So one day, said Miss Phillis to me: 'What shall I ab de honor to help yaw to, Mr Sorrow? "'Aunt Phillis, sais I, 'skuse me one minit, I ab made a grand 'skivery. "'What is dat, uncle, sais she, 'you is so clebber! I clare you is wort your weight in gold.

Where did you get him?" Here was a situation which Uncle Billy knew must be handled promptly, and he picked up the rooster and made an attempt to escape. "Down on de low grouns dis mornin'. Dat's right," he said, as he saw dawning unbelief in his mistress' face. "Now you have to skuse me, Miss Hallie. I got my wuck to do." "One moment, William," interposed Mrs. Cary, completely unconvinced.

"Den de little Rabbits, dey git mighty glad, en dey gnyawed de cane mos' 'fo' 'ole Brer Fox could git his legs oncrosst, en w'en dey kyard 'im de cane, Brer Fox, he sot dar en study how he gwineter make some mo' skuse fer nabbin' un um, en bimeby he git up en git down de sifter w'at wuz hangin' on de wall, en holler out: "'Come yer, Rabs!

"Back to the trail, then," said Clinch, wheeling his horse towards the road they had just quitted. "'Skuse me, Kernel," said the ostler, laying his hand on Clinch's rein, "but that way only brings us back the road we kem the stage road three miles further from home. That three miles is on the divide, and by the time we get there it will be snowed up worse nor this.