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The gentleman who had sat near the door had been the last to leave the restaurant. "And then," said Hallie, warming to her narrative, "they called the man who had come into the Poodle Dog with Johnny, and what do you think! it was Willie Felton." "Not the one who went to dancing-school with us, and had such red cheeks?" I wondered.

"Nor'm, I ain't," and Jeems Henry seemed disturbed. "Then you'd better come around to the kitchen. We'll see what we can find." At this unheard-of generosity, Uncle Billy's eyes opened widely and he exploded in remonstrance. "Now, hol' on dar, Miss Hallie! Hol' on. You ain' got none too much fo' yo'se'f, d'out stuffin' dis yere six-bit rat hole wid waffles an' milasses."

"My mis'tiss, seh," he said again and his hand went up to his eyes. "The wife of Captain Cary," Harris said in a low tone and the General nodded. "Den bless Gawd de Cun'l come! He pick him down offn de front po'ch and put him under 'rest. Yas, seh. An' Miss Hallie, she sho' was hoppin', Gen'l. She " "Never mind that," sighed the man whose creed was Patience. "Go on with the story." "Yas, seh.

"Hallie would look beautiful in it, and 'twould be diffrent from any one else's funeral. How you allers think of things, Amarilly! But I ain't got no dollar to pay you fer it." "If you did hev one," replied Amarilly Indignantly, "I shouldn't let you pay fer it. We're neighbors, and what I kin do fer Hallie I want ter do." "Well, Amarilly, it's certainly fine fer you to feel that way.

Miss Hallie done give me an invite me an' Mammy." "Whose goin' to stay with me an' Ivy?" asked Bud, anxiously. "Aunt Susan, I reckon," answered John Jay. "Mammy tole me to go ask her. Come along with me, an' I'll tell you what all Miss Hallie got for her buthday. I reckon she had mos' a thousand presents, an' a box of candy half as big as Ivy." Bud opened his eyes in amazement.

Montgomery who shot him?" "That is the very queerest part of it," Hallie declared, nodding until her green feathers nodded again, "but he was suspected immediately. What they say is " she lowered her voice impressively "that some one saw him do it." I fairly cowered in my chair. "But he can't have meant to kill him," I urged. "Why, his family was one of the best in the city.

The extremely unconventional garb of Hallie caused some little comment, but it was commonly supposed to be a part of the Episcopalian spirit which the Jenkinses seemed to be inculcating in the neighborhood. Brother Longgrass was a little startled upon beholding the white-robed corpse, but perceiving what comfort it brought to the afflicted mother, he magnanimously forbore to allude to the matter.

"And she wants me fer to dress up like a preacher. I told her about Hallie Hudgers lookin' so swell in the surplus, and she wants, as I should dress up in it and set fer my likeness in it." "I think it would be fine!" approved Amarilly. "You sure would look nicer nor Hallie did." "Well, I wouldn't look like a dead one," admitted the Boarder. "But I was orful afraid you'd laugh.

Where did you get him?" Here was a situation which Uncle Billy knew must be handled promptly, and he picked up the rooster and made an attempt to escape. "Down on de low grouns dis mornin'. Dat's right," he said, as he saw dawning unbelief in his mistress' face. "Now you have to skuse me, Miss Hallie. I got my wuck to do." "One moment, William," interposed Mrs. Cary, completely unconvinced.

I wondered what in the world Hallie could have thought of my behavior last night, but I was greatly relieved to think of the fusillade of questions I had escaped. I managed to get out something about father's having heard a shot. "Of course I know that," Hallie said, pulling me down on the sofa beside her. She was too full of her subject to notice how oddly I must have looked.